Boot Sound

When you have an iMac or MacBook that died and can’t be bothered in pay three times as much for a replacement system than for one made by Dell or HP to, you scour the Internet to find out how to build your very own but no matter how close you come, one thing tends to allude you and that is the boot sound. Thankfully, technology has progressed and now there are a few options to get a boot sound, gong, chime, whatever, and it is as easy and breathing in air.

Boot Manager
Clover now supports boot sound. The sound will play right before the manager appears for you to select the partition or boot arguments. Sadly, if you use the “fast” option, the boot sound will not play but don’t worry as we still have a few tricks up our sleeves.

Stephan Pringle

About The Author: Mr. Pringle writes about hardware and software for several online publications. To see more material from him, you can follow his personal tech blog at and tech vlog at